Data Recovery Services
Whether it's an important project you have been working on for some time or cherished photographs, we understand the frustration of losing important data. Rest easy, our team of experts specialize in recovering data from a variety of devices including hard drives (the internal one from your computer, as well the stand alone external drives), flash drives, and many more media types.
Our data recovery process starts with an online submission form. In average, our turn-around time is 25 business days from the time we receive your device till the time we ship the recovered data back to you on an encrypted external USB drive. We keep you updated on the status of your recovery via email throughout the entire recovery process while ensuring the safety and confidentiality of your data.
We have successfully recovered data for a wide range of clients including individuals, small businesses, and large corporations. Our clients trust us to handle their sensitive data with the utmost care and confidentiality. In addition, should your recovery be unsuccessful, we will give you a full refund. There are no risks to you.

Lost your data? Don't fret, life happens to the best of us! ATP Data Services to the rescue to get your indispensable data back! Our team of data recovery experts has many years of experience working in the storage and recovery industry. We are dedicated to providing the best possible service to our clients. We pride ourselves on our professionalism, confidentiality, and commitment to excellence. You can count on us!
What Customers are Saying
"They really understood my work was super, duper important. That makes you feel like someone is really taking care of you, that someone has your back."
- Theresa Debono, Photographer, Malta
"Consumers and even professionals who buy something like a hard drive probably expect it will work forever. There are occasions when things fail. I was happy to call the client and say it's handled, we have your files and are ready to go."
- Dave Prunty, Videographer, Montana, United States